Thursday, 22 May 2014

Eye appt + Consultant

Yesterday we went to Sutton Eye Hospital for a check- up. Kate is now 2 1/2 and it's over a year since her operation (frontal orbital remodelling) at GOSH for simple unilateral left coronal craniosynostosis. 

Again, Kate wouldn't let the opthalmologist patch her eye but they (we had a student/ trainee in as well) were successful with glasses that have blacked-out one side, then another pair with the other.  

After the prism test, the lady mentioned to the trainee a slight exphoria (tendency of one eye to deviate outward) but that it recovered it very quickly.  

Kate seemed to be slightly faster to see the long-distant pictures quicker with HER left eye than the other and they said the consultant would look into that after she'd had the drops.  The rest of the tests I've assumed we're within a normal range & not commented on. 

I wasn't sure how she'd be with having drops at this age & couldn't remember the last time they did that, must have been 6 mths ago or longer. Anyway, she wasn't too bad & the consultant said she couldn't see any reason for the slight difference between eyes. Her focus appears to be the same in both eyes. 

I asked about the likelihood of future problems with Cranio cases, and she said that any eye problems would normally have presented themselves by now. I pushed for more and she just said that on a scale of 1 to 10 Kate's a 1 on her level of concern. 

They'll still keep checking though. Next appt is in 4 months, Sept 2014, and they'll do the other eye either with patching or glasses first next time. I think to see if she just 'appeared' to see the pictures faster with the second eye because she knew what they were and had seen then before. 

So, all this is all good from my point of view. Still no sign of any eye problems. 

Here's a recent photo of the girls, now 6 and 2 1/2. 

Any questions from you, especially if you're following because you're on a similar journey, please do just get in touch.  Wendy 

Letter above dated 29th May 2014

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