Saturday 15 June 2013

Post surgery Eye Appointment

We saw the ophthalmologists and consultant this Thurs, 13th June 2013, at our local eye hospital. 

I mentioned the squint and first the lady who did all the basic tests said she sees no squint. This was extremely good to hear. Kate being able to talk a lot more now was able to be tested better than before as she could name all the things they were holding up for her to see this time. She's now 20 mths old. 

By the time we saw the consultant Kate had had enough of waiting. Me too!  It was difficult for them to examine the back of here eyes etc as she didn't like them (one man & lady) at all. Crying isnt a good 'mode' to be in for an eye examination!  I had been prepared as we've waited a long time there before, but she was hungry and she didn't like their lights or headgear!! 

A chocolate roll helped & the consultant got to see what she wanted in the end and said there's no sign of any problems, pressure or anything. She seemed happy with everything.

She thought Kate looked remarkably good after her surgery and said that the darkness under her eyes will continue to fade, it's just a very sensitive and translucent bit of skin. 

We will have a follow-up appointment with them in 6 months. 

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