Friday, 19 April 2013

Morning, Day 2 post-op

This morning I woke, as always with a start to her cry & jumped up to see. The chair/bed is very low down. Kate was sitting up in the bed & looking so lost, her big head going side to side moaning with her purple eyes obviously shut & her arms out to the side. She'd got the bandages off her head. I immediately picked her up & she koala cuddled me & I sat back down & wept over her for a while. I knew this was coming. The part when you just want your old baby back, the one you recognise & play with & run around and moan about all day for getting into everything.

We'd had a fairly good night. She didn't settle well as I think they are trying to get her off the morphine now but paracetamol wasn't enough so she had morphine in the end.

I suggested we try milk if she woke in the night as she's refused it at bedtime & they don't really want to put her back on the drip. At 2.20am I woke to her cry & she had been 'seen to' without me waking. The nighttime nurse seemed to be trying to do that with all the children, as I heard her dealing with the baby next to us and hushing him as she did her checks. Kate had had a nappy change then & some milk but that had come back up. I held her while they changed her bedding & cleaned up. The nurse gave her some more anti-sickness medicine through the one cannula in her foot that's left.

Today Kate looks like her eyes are shut but I think she can see something as she has said a few things and pointed & said tractor at Bob The Builder on the TV.

She heard me rustle my tissue packet & said biscuit (hers also come in a cellophane packet) so I offered her one but she didn't seem to want it. A while later she asked for her milk & drank it. I got the pushchair & walked the corridor circuit until she went off to sleep & went for a shower & breakfast. Tom is off so we have Helena as our nurse today, though Kate tends to say, "Goodbye Tom", to anyone who deals with her now!

Two doctors who were in on Kate's surgery came this morning, confirmed we can wash her hair & that when we are happy & she can hold down food & see a bit more we can go home. Probably Sunday.

Kate had a tiny bit of porridge & mid morning asked for the grapes I was eating & we 'watched' CBeebies again for a bit. The nurse did her ops in the high chair.

I thought if shes going to be awake a bit more, so less under blankets, and now she doesn't have cannulas everywhere I ought to clothe her. The first suitable thing I pulled out is a cotton dress that can be pulled up to be put it on. Now she looks like a little girl :)

I checked on her medicines with the nurse as she seemed to be fussing but she isn't due any more paracetamol until lunchtime so I pushed her in her pram to sleep.

We are being moved wards as they've an emergency gone into surgery & we don't need high dependency care any more. So I have packed up our things & warned Daddy as he's only just left home.

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