Daddy arrived about 11.30am and I handed Kate over to him. I'd been holding her in the chair & the nurses had changed her bed sheets.
Then once all the lines were gone we put her into her pushchair & walked her round the ward. She said,"Bye bye people", and waved as we left our bay. This felt very strange when you know she can't see!!
When we started on our lunch I offered her a small amount of milk again & much to our delight she took & drank all of it. She then nibbled a biscuit & really perked up. She could see us with one eye through tiny slit. We chatted with her & even got her laughing. This lasted about 20 mins and then she went back to sleep still in her pushchair.
This sleep delayed them removing her drain, but meant she got morphine before that, and she had some more milk too.
I also went out for a quick walk & bought something to have for dinner.
The nurse, Tom, removed all the bandages from her head to change them. Amazingly, we couldn't really see her scar through her mangled, squished & sweaty hair. The nurse said that surgeons are very good hairdressers! I am now hoping her shaved bit & scar are going to look quite minimal having seen what we did.
Removing the drain is uncomfortable so I didn't stay for it but heard her screaming from quite a way down the corridor from the treatment room. It was done quickly and still in her pushchair, a first for Tom. She had a bit of biscuit back in our bay & went back to sleep.
The nurses say she's doing really well & looks good but what you can't see is that her head has swelled to the size of a 3 year old's & obviously her eyes look dreadfully sore, so to us she looks awful. Peaceful though & they say that they know she's not in pain, I assume from doing this procedure on older kids who can tell them.
Here she is in her new bandages:
Thank you for keeping us informed of all that is going on for you and Kate. You are in my thoughts so much, so it's great to be able to know how Kate is. I hope you both have a restful and comfortable night. Lots of love from us Green x x x