Saturday 30 March 2013

Scan and Surgery Dates confirmed

On Weds this week GOSH rang to say they can do Kate's CT scan under sedation on Mon 8th April and have an available slot for surgery on the Weds 10th too!

So, it's all go. We have to be at GOSH 8.30am on Monday & will also do all the pre-op stuff then too.

They'll review her scan and ring me Tuesday 9th and let me know what time, 7.30am or 11.30am, we need to arrive on Weds 10th for surgery.

My Mum & Dad and sister are booked to have Nikki for the Sunday night and Tues to Friday so we don't have to worry about her. It's school holidays so its pretty easy. Hubby's booked Weds-Fri off work & that's most of the arrangements sorted.

I'm feeling good about not having to wait and am in 'organising' mode at the moment, though I am sure the worry will increase as the week approaches.

Thanks to all of you who have & will offer help and support, we are sorted I think but will take up any offers if we need.

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