Saturday 6 April 2013

Another week to wait! New surgery date

Today I rang GOSH just to confirm Kate's scan on Monday's and the lady answered me with, "Oh, thanks for calling me back".  Apparently she'd left a message to confirm the scan but re-arrange surgery and pre-op appointments.   They had a wrong home phone number for us so I hadn't got a call, but she'd just left a message on someone else's answer phone! 

An emergency has taken our spot on Weds 10th so we now have a 'confirmed' date for surgery of Weds 17th April.  This means an extra trip to London for the pre-op assessment as it can't be done too far ahead of the operation date.  So we're having CT scan on Monday 8th as planned, pre-op on Tuesday 9th and then surgery on Weds 17th April.

I was already crying as the lady finished her gentle and kind-sounding goodbye.  I was so ready for next week!

Luckily a good friend was about to arrive so I got to blurt it all out on her and we have a busy weekend planned to take my mind off it.  We'll re-arrange everything for Nikki but it will be more complicated with her being back at school then.  On the positive side, there's less time that Nikki'll need entertaining during the day and I get to spend more time with them both next week too as it's still Easter holidays.

..... and breathe!

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