Sunday 28 April 2013

Day 8 Post-op (Fri 26th April)

School run - morning 

Dinner time
Kate has basically returned to her normal self, eating, running about and getting into everything!  Her swelling continues overnight to the point of affecting her eyes quite a bit sometimes.  We are getting one good night followed one bad night still at the moment.  Hubby has resorted to alternate nights mostly spent on the sofa!

I'm trying to find out from other Mums on forums whose kids have had this surgery how long this eye-swelling might last.  I'm also noticing, in the photos, that she looks like she's got a squint (one eye turned in) which we were hoping the operation would prevent.  We knew this was still a possible future problem even with the surgery but I was optimistic that this wouldn't be the case for her as her asymmetry was slight.  I'm hoping when swelling reduces (her head and forehead are always pretty swollen still at the moment) that it will settle down.

We have an appointment with the original Ophthalmologist we were under locally, the one that referred us to Great Ormond Street, in June so I can ask their opinion then.  Our first appointment post-op at GOSH came in the post and is 1st August 2013.

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