Wednesday 17 April 2013

Post surgery

We were called to come to Recovery about 2.40pm and, if possible, bring her dummy! I took it to mean she was crying & didn't want to get lost so went straight up to Koala ward to get a nurse to take us there.

I could hear her as we walked into the room & I quickly bypassed all the others & practically grabbed her from the nurse who was trying to comfort her. It wasn't easy with all the tubes & lines & I tried to get her thumb in for comfort. She quickly fell asleep again when she realised it was me. Her eyes were closed & blue with bruising and her whole head looks swollen. She's bandaged as expected.

That bit was horrible, seeing her in distress & looking bruised & her cry sounded very hoarse.

We followed as they wheeled her gently to Koala Ward (high dependency/intensive care) where the nurses sorted out her tubes and lines & connected her to an ECG.

Nurses keep popping by to check on her & explain things to us. One seems to be stationed with us, I think until the Dr has been to check her over properly. We also await seeing a or the surgeon(s) to find how the actual surgery went.

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