Tuesday 23 April 2013

Day 5 post-op & 2nd day at home - Tues 23rd April 2013

We only woke Kate at midnight last night to give her paracetamol and she went straight back to sleep & slept through.  That's the good news. Bad news is that having spent a whole night flat in her cot, she looked pretty puffy when she woke up.

This obviously went down during the day, and by dinner time she looked like this.  I think this is a bit better than yesterday!

We drew a small crowd at school this morning and I explained what had 'happened' to Kate to a few people, and a few more at pick-up.  

She has got her appetite back, picking all day and eating some lunch and a reasonable amount of dinner she also passed stools without screaming.  It seemed we'd been sprung into Summer today, missing Spring, and Nikki asked for the paddling pool after school and I thought this would stop them running about inside or the garden, which is hard to watch when you know she could bang her head or face at any moment.  It was a great idea.

Here's a cheeky pic!

I gave Kate a quick bath/shower to wash her scar, as it has to be washed every 2 days and she's gone to bed as normal.  Nikki is exhausted, I think all the fun and sleepovers are going to take a while to get over what with all the 'learning' she's doing at school too. (She just turned 5 in March)

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