Friday 26 April 2013

Day 7 Post-Op - Thurs 25th April 2013

Kate slept all night after having Ibuprofen at midnight.  This meant I felt more human but more swelling overnight for her again. Both eyelids very puffy and only slits of eye visible.

We had a better day mood-wise and friends after school for a play in the garden and tea.  We gave her another bath to wash her scar at bedtime and you can see how her eyes had opened up again during the day.  I haven't mentioned how the dip above her left (looking at her, her right) eyebrow has definitely gone though, to me, she seems to have a bit of a lump in the middle of her forehead. Hopefully this is just swelling that will go.  She definitely looks different to me.

The bruising is going yellow/brown so it's not so noticeable as the heavy purple it was when we got home on Sunday.

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